Reveler - Welcome Aboard

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reveler - RUSSELL ALGER/charles mccann -1930
Reveler - 1930 - Southampton
On the mudbank at Camper & Nicholson's Yard in Southampton lies a yacht.
She is 1,200 tons and is the most perfect thing of her kind ever seen. She is beautifully finished. The cabins are splendid. The plumbing is magnificent. There are wonderful cupboards for women's clothes - all cedar lined. There are great Diesel engines, a cold storage plant as large as a dining room, and galleys completely furnished even to the last dish.
Yet there is not a stick of furniture on board. The yacht has never been in commission.
She was built in Germany in 1929 for an American millionaire. She was brought as far as Southampton on her way to America where she was to be furnished. And then the owner died.
Now she lies at Southampton waiting for an owner. On her bows is the curious nameplate - The Reveler.
She requires a crew of 37. Now she has only a skeleton crew of three to look after the machinery.
The yacht cost an immense sum to build, and I imagine that keeping her in commission would entail some £30,000 a year.
the evening standard
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